Hello, Armchair Adventurers!
And welcome to Red Desert Role Play.
Ok. So, who are we, exactly?
So glad you asked! We are Red Desert Role Play, an actual play podcast of five friends who may or may not be being held hostage by the state of Wyoming. Every other week, we gather around a virtual tabletop, facing the ever-present threats of unpredictable internet connections, weather induced power interruptions, hypervigilant dogs, needy cats, corny jokes, beautifully crafted puns, and adulthood induced obligations to collaborate on telling an epic, interactive story to each other. All for the sake of having fun.
Our dedicated narrator/game master/man of many talents and voices, Aaron, has created a world whose inhabitants must share limited space and resources, despite bitter and bloody histories, while living in the shadow of a powerful and deadly enemy: The Fog. It has already enveloped the world below, is well known to both island dwellers and the sailors that live on and navigate the vast cloud sea. This is the world our player characters have grown up in, and many of them may be less invested in solving the problems of the world at large, and more interested in learning how to navigate it first. High fantasy meets steampunk meets horror survival in our premiere campaign, “The Fog of Verrilan.” Our table has an endless supply of seats for storytellers and consumers, tabletop game enthusiasts, creatives, artists, rebels, weirdos, and anyone else who happens to stumble into our space and needs a seat. We are restless wanderers and adventurers at heart, dedicated to adding a little magic and mischief to the mundane, and you are officially invited to join us on our journey!